Lauren Cameron — Ad Infinitum

Lauren Cameron

Stage Manager


Projects: Ballad of the Burning Star, Odyssey, Translunar Paradise


Lauren has loved her many adventures (sometimes across the world) with the Ad Infinitum family.

She holds a 2.1 MA degree in Theatre, Film and Television Studies from the University of Glasgow and an FDA with distinction in Stage Management and Technical Theatre from ALRA. Since graduating from drama school in 2012, she has worked in stage management and theatre design, and is currently studying historical costume making at the Northern College of Costume.

She first worked with Ad Infinitum during the research and development period of the Ballad of the Burning Star at Tara Arts in 2013. Since then, she has been the company’s stage manager for Ballad of the Burning Star (National and International tours); Light (National and International tours); Odyssey (National tours and Edinburgh run); Translunar Paradise (National and International tours, and Edinburgh run); Bucket List (R&D and Creation rehearsals; National tour and Edinburgh run) and No Kids (R&D and Creation rehearsals). She has also served in a design capacity for Ad Infinitum’s R&D periods and during the company’s projects with Battersea Arts Centre (Town hall Cherubs) and The North Wall (Kristin Lavransdatter).